6.1.1 For the purposes of this section, teachers are divided into four categories: (b) Search and Rescue. If a teacher is a member of an authorized search and rescue organization and a competent authority requests him to participate in a search and rescue operation (paid leave). Written proof of the teacher`s participation in the research by the above-mentioned competent authority must be submitted to the employer. b) Group 2 – this includes teachers available and eligible for future permanent employment. A teacher may be granted one day of paid leave per year plus travel time within the meaning of section 6.9 below for the following occasions. Full-time relief and temporary teachers in groups 1 and 2 may be placed on leave for important family opportunities and other occasions such as teachers in permanent employment. If you wish to obtain a printed copy of this Agreement, we recommend that you download the following PDF version. If a teacher requests several periods of leave due to a recurrent illness in the family, it is at the employer`s discretion how often paid leave is granted during the same school year, taking into account the well-being of the school or class concerned. 6.7.4 Teachers on refreshment leave of more than one semester who are entitled to an annual increase during the period of their leave do not need a certificate for this increase, provided that their two previous certificates are satisfactory. (e) Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for Jewish teachers. Note: The waiting periods for refreshment leave referred to in point 6.7.1 refer exclusively to this provision and do not apply to other forms of leave. 6.7.3 Exemption during refreshment leave is considered a benefit for the purposes of salary increases, long service and severance calculations.

It is not taken into account for the purpose of calculating sick leave or vacation pay or entitlement to public holidays. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the following terms and conditions apply to all teachers. (d) If a teacher participates in a trip abroad of an employer-approved school group (leave with or without payment for the duration of the visit). (d) Full-time exculpatory and temporary teachers in groups 1 and 2 may apply for study leave and examination leave, which is granted for life as for teachers. (b) Absences during or in connection with the birth of a teacher`s child are not permitted. These situations should be covered by the leave granted under clauses 6.3.6, 6.3.8 or 6.8. (b) The sabbatical period lasts ten weeks and is paid with the teacher`s normal salary. Provided that exculpatory teachers, with the exception of those who are employed only occasionally for a few days at a time, can request leave, as for teachers employed on a permanent basis. (c) a teacher who, at the time of the application for leave, is not subject to ongoing judicial or disciplinary proceedings under this agreement or a previous agreement or contract of employment; and 6.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, only teachers in group 1 are entitled to the leave provided for in this section. (a) The employer may grant paid leave to the teacher as a charge on the teacher`s right to sick leave if the teacher has to take time off work to care for a sick or injured person whose care depends on the teacher. (c) Employers may approve leave without pay for pre-examination studies and paid leave for those taking the examinations, plus the required travel time. If this leave is approved by the employer, teachers participating in recognised cultural activities in New Zealand or outside New Zealand will be entitled to paid leave under the same conditions as for sports leave.

Provided that exculpatory teachers, with the exception of those who are employed only occasionally for a few days at a time, can request leave, as for teachers employed on a permanent basis. If this leave is approved by the employer, teachers are entitled to paid leave for sports trips abroad, interprovincial games, national championships and international competitions in New Zealand, subject to the following maximums per 12-month period: a) The employer may grant paid leave to teachers plus the travel time required to attend statutory sessions. local, Maori and other authorities (or in other circumstances, leave without pay may be granted to attend such meetings). (e) The employer may grant affordable leave to teachers who receive scholarships and bursaries for the duration of the contract plus reasonable travel time. 6.11.1 The rules for calculating leave are set out in Appendix E. 6.7.1 Full-time registered teachers who have reached the level of professional standards for experienced classroom teachers are entitled (subject to 6.7.2) to take an unpaid refreshment leave of one school year after three years at school or up to one school year after five years at school or up to one school year after five years at school. If refreshment leave has been taken, from the date of return from vacation, an additional period of eligible service at school is required before the teacher can be considered for another refreshment leave. (c) No travel time shall be granted for travel preceded by paid leave or for return travel followed by paid leave. (b) the maximum duration of full paid leave that may be granted for that purpose, including travel time, shall be seven days.

Note: The presentation of a medical certificate or other proof of illness may be required in the case of leave granted in accordance with clauses 6.5.2, 6.5.3 and 6.5.4. 6.9.1 Where expressly permitted by this Agreement (and including teachers of continuing and outdoor training courses), paid travel time may be granted for a maximum period of seven days (excluding public holidays) subject to the following conditions: Unless teachers pursue their own interests or when they incriminate themselves, the employer grants paid leave if a teacher is invited by subpoena to: serve as a witness or in a jury trial; provided that, in the case of payment of the fees for the service, those fees are reimbursed to the employer for reimbursement to the public account […].