• Posted June 17, 2015


    Let’s look at this with an open mind. Surely more and more Americans are starting to rzleiae that a socialistic takeover in the USA has started? Even though they’re elected (except Bloomberg, Soros, et al) they can only operate outside of the US Constitution for as long as we allow it. It is my sense that a growing number of Americans are fed up with so many changes so fast. Obamacare, cap & trade proposals, Czars, midnight executive orders, and so forth. What’s the big hurry anyway? Many Americans are starting to rzleiae that the manner in which the new Federal Government is operating, is way outside the mainstream and even outside the liberal stream. We’re all coming up to speed quickly regarding constitutional law. I don’t think these kinds of questionable actions will last much longer because at some point if Congress doesn’t do something about it, I’m sure the US Military will. Wow! Did I really say that? And, now I remember what the hurry is; November will be here in 6 and a half months. The Socialists are scrambling like rabid dogs to shove everything through before then. Oh yeh, the good news Obama will be proven to be a fraud soon! It’s my sincere opinion that he is not a natural born American citizen. Everything he does will be reversed and many elected elites will go to prison.

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