Although the tax on intangible assets has been repealed, there are two cases where residents still owe taxes on intangible property. One is the value of intangible assets secured by mortgage deeds or other liens on certain properties. This tax is $2 per $1,000 and is usually paid when the debt is registered. At one time, personal property taxes were a popular way for state governments to collect the money they needed to operate. Just as you pay property tax on your home, in these states you were responsible for paying an annual tax on the highly endowed property you owned, such as cars, boats, and recreational vehicles. But gradually, states moved away from this practice and instead chose to start with a flat wheel tax each year to register vehicles. 199.103 Plate; All intangible personal property is subject to annual tax for its fair valuation from 1 January of each year. These assets are valued as follows: The lender is the taxpayer for the single intangible tax. The single intangible tax is paid at the time of filing or underwriting the mortgage in Florida. If the mortgage is not recognized within 30 days of the date the bond is secured by the mortgage, the tax payment must be made directly to the Florida Department of Revenue.

Any tax payments made directly to the Department are late after the 30th day following the date the commitment is secured by Florida Real Estate. Deeds and other documents that transfer an interest in real estate in Florida are subject to documentary stamp tax. “Ab dem 1. As of January 2007, individuals, married couples, personal estate representatives and corporations are no longer required to file an annual income tax return on intangible personal property detailing their shares, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, commercial trust shares and unsecured debt. The legislator abolished the annual tax on these properties. 2. The Department may require real estate appraisers to send to each Florida owner at such times and in a manner that the Department and property appraisers jointly determine. For more information about the Florida Documentary Stamp Tax or Intangible Tax, please contact Starfield & Smith`s attorneys at (407) 667-8811 or (215) 542-7070. 7.

(a) If, after examining an intangible income tax return submitted in accordance with this Chapter or on the basis of the evidence submitted by the taxable person to the Ministry, it appears that an amount of property tax on intangible personal property has been paid in excess of the amount due, the Ministry shall reimburse the taxpayer for the amount of the overpayment by means of an arrest warrant issued by the Chief Financial Officer. The department will reimburse the overpayment, whether or not the taxpayer has submitted a written request for a refund; However, the Department may require the taxpayer to file a return confirming that the overpayment has been made. The tax is only due to the extent that the bond is secured by real estate in Florida. Thus, if real estate in Florida and other real estate secures the debt, neither property having to be searched for first for collection, the tax can be prorated. (3) “Person” means any person, partnership, partnership, joint venture, syndicate or other group or combination that acts as a unit, association, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, trustee, personal representative, beneficiary or other trustee and that includes both the plural and the singular. 2. Intangible property of a real estate mortgage investment channel, real estate investment trust or regulated investment company within the meaning of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall not be considered taxable in that State unless that entity is lawfully or commercially resident in that State. Florida`s personal intangible wealth tax was phased out in 2007, but until then, things like investments and life insurance were taxed. (d) except for the lease or other property rights described in section 4(a), section VII of the State Constitution or section 196.199, paragraph 7, all leases or other ownership rights in real property owned by the United States, the State, a political subdivision of the State, a state municipality or any authority, authority and other public body of the State; which are not developed or which are mainly used for residential or commercial purposes and on which the payment of rents is due.
