Les inscripcions es realitzaran el dijous 17 de Setembre del 2009 a les 17:15h fins les 18:00h,es necessari que porteu el número del compte per fer les preinscripcions. Les quotes es cobraran trimestralment . Totes les activitats, menys piscina, tenen una matricula de 15€ anual.

Us donem la benvinguda al nou curs escolar 2009-10 i us proposem les activitats extraescolar següents:

Piscina :17:00h a 17:45h

Dilluns P-4 i P-5 (Piscina de les Bòbiles)
Dimecres P-3 (Piscina de les Bòbiles)
Divendres 1er a 6é Piscina Can Tintorer

Esports a tres : 17:05h a 18:05h  Dimarts i Dijous P-5 a 2n 20€/24€

Futbol 7 Benjamí : 17:45h a 19:00h  Dimarts i Dijous de 3é i 4t Can Tintorer 20€/24€

Futbol 7 Aleví : 17:45h a 19:00h Can Tintorer  Dimarts i Dijous 5é i 6é 20€/24€
Futbol Sala Aleví : 17:05h a 18:05h Dilluns i Dimecres 4t, 5é i 6é 20€/24€

Equips exalumnes: Falta confirmar Dimecres i Divendres 20€/24€

Handbol : 17:05h a 18:05h Dilluns i Dimecres 4t, 5é i 6é 20€/24
Bàsquet Femení : en el Club Bàsquet Gavà 20€/24€
Dilluns i Dimecres i Divendres 2n, 3é Dilluns, Dimecres i Divendres 4t,5é i 6é

Vòlei mixt: de 17:05h a 18:05h
Dimarts i Dijous 4t, 5é i 6é 20€/24€
Dimecres i Divendres exalumnes 20€/24€

Tenis 17:05h a 18:05h Divendres 30€/35€

Taller Relaxació i Auto coneixement de 17:05h a 18:05h
Dimarts P-3, P-4 i P-5 24€/27€
Dimecres 1é a 6é 24€/27€
Dimecres Pares de 18:05h a 19:05h 24€/27€

Tai-chi 17:05h a 18:05h Dijous 18€/22€

Danza del ventre Dilluns 17:05h a 18:05h 18€/22€



1 Comment

  • Posted June 17, 2015


    I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to be hurt or have my fmilay, friends or neighbors hurt. There is a lot of crime going on in this world. Crooks on the streets and crooks in Washington. If Obama even trys to take our guns away I won’t be surprised. This country put a muslim in the White House. What did we think was going to happen? There is only one reason for a goverment to take away the guns of law abiding citizens. History teaches us what that reason is. God help me and the people who knock on my door to take my guns.

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