Mares i pares de nens que el any vinent s’incorporan a educación infantil, us recordem que les jornades de portes obertes a la nostra escola són: DIMECRES 18 9.15, DIVENDRES 20 15.15 I DISSABTE 21 10.00

Us hi esperem, compartiu aquesta informació amb pares amb nens petits. Gràcies!


  • Posted June 17, 2015


    Yep, Ole’ Barook and his gang are trying their best to get into place a poclie state where the government can tell you what you can do, when you can do it and how you can do it and once you take away guns from the citizens of this country you basically create the ability for him to take away our most basic right to own and carry firearms and this would also make all americans {except the criminals} targets of the criminals {which in some instances is that government} as well as terrorists and the GOVERNMENT themselves as you would no longer be able to defend yourself from any of these elements!!! The government will have the military take care of them while we would be left defenseless against any and all takers!!!! This is an outrageous attempt and just another in a list of crimes Obama has on his to do list to bring us one step closer to SOCIALISM and if he isn’t stopped we will all {inclusing the stupid liberals who support this tirany} will have no where to go or hide from this deliberate takeover of our rights as citizens of this country!!! Please tell your friends and even your enemies that if they simply sit on the sidelines they too will suffer from this new SOCIALIST REGIME!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!

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