Ja arriba una de les dates més esperades per tots a la nostra escola, la diada de la MULTICULTURALITAT, una festa que enguany cumpleix cinc edicions sent una data molt important al calendari de la nostra ciutat. Entitats de Gavà, l’escola, els alumnes de sisè i associacions culturals i de veïns ens reunirem el proper 8 de novembre per gaudir d’un ventall d’activitats fantàstic tant culturals, com lúdiques i esportives.


  • Posted June 17, 2015


    Mr.O will try to take our guns, but he will have a hard time trying to take mine as I will pbblaroy be out there with the rest of you fighting for our freedom. I have friends who voted for him and I tried to tell them he would try this. I love my freedom and country and would die fighting to keep it. I’m 70, but I do competition shooting, load my own ammo and enjoy every minute of. Our rights are God given. The government can’t give us rights, but they can take them away if we let them. My feeling is to vote them all out of office and get people in who respect our rights and will fight for them. If Texas ever seceded from the main US I will be moving to Texas.

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