Bon dia a tothom!

Aquesta nit hem dormit moooolt … Quan ens hem aixecat, hem hagut de recollir els sacs i les motxilles perque aquesta tarda tornem cap a casa 🙁

Hem esmorzat força perque aquest matí encara hem de fer moltes activitats. Entre d’altres, una ginkana per a trobar el Capità Garfio.

Com podeu veure a les fotos, estem molt guapos amb les samarretes que ens han fet amb la il·lustració escollida del concurs de dibuixos. Cliqueu aquí per veure-les. Us passem, també, una foto amb la cara que tenen avui les profes …

 See you soon!


  • Posted June 17, 2015


    Right on Vito!! It is idiots like Bloomberg and all the oethrs that the 2nd amendment was created! I agree totally with firearms training in schools along with the responsibility education. I am so sick of this group of socialistic b -s, that in my opinion it is time to teach them what the amendment and guns are for first hand. As for republican or democrat, I haven’t seen one serious outrage and action from any of them over the Constitution being violated. Our forefathers would have already had their tea party or better yet, a tar and feather homecoming [or should I say farewell party].

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